AVG Ultimate How do I find out

Hi Alan, No not resolved After I asked the question it said 11 days left trial but my account says 262 days left to 14 Dec 2017. Don't want to be without protecrion while waiting so uninstalled AVG protection but not tune up as that is also paid. I tried upgrading but it just wanted more money and I can't get it to fix itself that I still have paid days. I spent may hours and even overnight on this trying to fix and they did the remote thing. I queried why he chose trial and he said not to worry it will fix itself but it did not so now I have new problem.
The free version was so user friendly and the old picture of the paid version. This new improved picture is unfriendly. My AVG worked perfectly. Startup and ir updates and scans. Put a stick or ext hdd in it and it scans immediately and I schedule as well. This new one only wants to know about other devices, not interested in strangers with hdd etc and nothing at startup and nowhere to schedule it.
I put on zonealarm firewall in the meantime and also avast which is also no good to me.
Thought I could maybe reinstall ols version of free but can't find one that doesn't bacome 1606 or 2017 version…
I see so many with smae problems on this date and wonder if it is worth all this effort that takes up so much time. Download slow and installation very slow,  I do not have the time long enough to stay at PC and have to leave it and come back. Online was about an hour and I am now reallt stumped. Years of AVG down the drain now.
Is there really something that can be done because from other answers it does not look very hopeful for solution soon.

Judy, Did you resolve your issue with AVG?.
AVG Guru

How do I find out if I have the paid AVG Ultimate version on my PC.
The version now on does not have options to scan external hdd etc and no schedule settings I used to have before everything turned red and I had to uninstall and re-install. Had to get remote help to get re-installed.

Hi Alan, No not resolved After I asked the question it said 11 days left trial but my account says 262 days left to 14 Dec 2017. Don't want to be without protecrion while waiting so uninstalled AVG protection but not tune up as that is also paid. I tried upgrading but it just wanted more money and I can't get it to fix itself that I still have paid days. I spent may hours and even overnight on this trying to fix and they did the remote thing. I queried why he chose trial and he said not to worry it will fix itself but it did not so now I have new problem.
The free version was so user friendly and the old picture of the paid version. This new improved picture is unfriendly. My AVG worked perfectly. Startup and ir updates and scans. Put a stick or ext hdd in it and it scans immediately and I schedule as well. This new one only wants to know about other devices, not interested in strangers with hdd etc and nothing at startup and nowhere to schedule it.
I put on zonealarm firewall in the meantime and also avast which is also no good to me.
Thought I could maybe reinstall ols version of free but can't find one that doesn't bacome 1606 or 2017 version…
I see so many with smae problems on this date and wonder if it is worth all this effort that takes up so much time. Download slow and installation very slow,  I do not have the time long enough to stay at PC and have to leave it and come back. Online was about an hour and I am now reallt stumped. Years of AVG down the drain now.
Is there really something that can be done because from other answers it does not look very hopeful for solution soon.

Judy, Did you resolve your issue with AVG?.
AVG Guru

Hi Judy,

We apologize for the inconvenience caused, we see that an Email was sent to you regarding your issue, please check your Mailbox once and get in touch with our Technical Team to assist you with the issue.

Thank you!

Thank you yes I got the email. That was before the dicovery that you software was updating a computer it was not connected to so I thought someone here could give me a tip on how to get a new IP address so your software can update the computer it IS atttached to. I worked out this much on my own I suppose I'm capable of doing the rest.
Looking at the posts seems like there is a big problem with the software anyway so I'll give you a day or two to get it sorted out. Thank you for the assistance. I apologise for the inconvenience caused by my lack of knowledge.

Dear Alan - hope you not a robot -
Scrap everything we think we know about my problem.
On quietly reading everything I can meticulously on the screen menu etc I spotted something strange. Your (AVG) brilliant program knows things we probably never thought of.
It - always refers to the computer or the software whatever - I am not a genius in this field no formal training, self taught since Lotus 123 from the manuals  - On the second page of AVG where the messages are, it informed me that AVG is working with is a laptop number one. That is odd because it is a desk top. Secondly the name I did not take too much notice of because I assumed okay it knows my name and added PC because thats what it is. However, frowning because this one I named 2 and not PC as I did my  old laptop. To cut a long investigation short, I thought seeing it thinks this is my laptop, let me invite the desktop to join the party and see what happens. Followed the instructions. While downloading, no that would be installing - I looked at the Task manager because it is sooo slow and I can't understand that for more than a year now this so-called better PC is no faster and has plenty of issues all round. Three other experts have in the past done things but to no avail. Anyway I looked at the "pages" I am not allowed to look at on Task manager nor do anything to and I see to my horror it is installing a whole lot of things with a 32 at the end. So I told it that's not fair because you 64 not 32. Looking further I find the only 64 is my printer which is the only fast thing on this machine. Everything from the internet has 32!! That is what the laptop is. So by deduction everything i.e. software  "knows" and works accordingly must be to the IP address. That suddenly rings a bell. Way back in the beginning I was getting a message of duplicate IP address. One of those experts told me the PC puts that in itself but never followed up on that after I told him I typed it in from my information kept from the laptop when IT asked me for the email address stuff at startup of the PC. Now it makes sense. This PC has the laptop IP address and they only pop up messages when both on at the same time.I couldn't figure out why it cared.
My logic imho is that all my software ignores what is really in the PC hardware and takes the info from the IP address and so installs for 32bit and not 64. That may be the real problem all along. So now I would need to get a new IP address I suppose in the proper manner so that AVG can install the 64bit version. YES? NO? Am I overthinking it as "they" always accuse me when things go wrong? Seeing as how you the Guru maybe you can tell me the way forward, i.e. how do I go about it without losing all the software entirely or are you only expert on AVG stuff? At what stage should I uninstall AVG?
By the way, accepting the invitation was a good thing because it gives far more choices and settings than the non-invitation version. Of course I filled in all kinds of stuff until I looked again and saw it still says laptop and the laptops name. Now on restart it is going to be doing a whole lot of other stuff that I have now confused it with. My mother of 94 says I must apologise to you for doing something so stupid as to type in the IP address - not that she even knows how to turn it on but she's brilliant and listens to us argue about these things when my brother tells me I shouldn't have this great technology.
Now I wonder if that's how I killed my beautiful Dell Laptop and replaced it with this desktop.
PS Why is "flag" blue? I hope this has actually taught you something you didn't know :slight_smile: lol
Judy - the one and only.