AVG Ultimate Issues

Hello Douglas,
I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with AVG Ultimate activation. I have sent you an email, please follow the email instruction to connect with us remotely. We will check with your installed  AVG program and we will help you to fix the AVG Ultimate issues as quickly and effectively as possible.
Best regards,
I have an issue with AVG Ultimate, I renewed my subscription on 26th September 2017 Order# 701-9402816, since then I have got issues with 2 machines that are connected to the account,

The issue being that PC Tune up is fine and shows as a full working issue with no time limitations, but with AVG Internet Security, it started off as a time limited trial version before becoming the basic version.

I have tried using the AVG Clear & AVG Remove tools, along with other tools to remove all remnants of AVG before reinstalling and reconnecting to my account, but this has made no difference.

I have been using AVG for a number of years with out issue until recently, silly thing is that a 3rd machine I have has no problems and is showing a full version of Ultimate like it should. Weather the issue is related to the fact the 2 machines with the problem are connected wirelessly to the Internet while the 3rd is hard wired is a factor I don't know, but it shouldn't be

I am getting a little bit annoyed over this issue and can see that I am not the only one with this issue, if this issue is not resolved I will be looking at other options for antivirus software etc.., as I am not getting what I paid for.

If some one can provide an explanation I will be graeful 

Hello Douglas,
I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with AVG Ultimate activation. I have sent you an email, please follow the email instruction to connect with us remotely. We will check with your installed  AVG program and we will help you to fix the AVG Ultimate issues as quickly and effectively as possible.
Best regards,