AVG Ultimate's unlimited device at different locations with a single license - confirmation request

  1. If ULTIMATE security DVD-product (from online web sites like AMAZON) is bought will that also having/built in with PC-Tuner also.No need to buy separately? Is this product is AVG-ZEN network supported UNlimited devices supported?

    2) Using AVG-ZEN network security product installed at my PC, with a single license, will I able to
    connect, install,scan and update and maintain other PCs,Laptops, i-phones,Androids etc  connected to internet through other internet service providers and those devices are used at different cities or locations different from my city.And also they also use all the features of the product which I bought at their devices by themself. If I buy and install x64 bit product and will the other in the ZEN Network can have x86 , 32 bit OS also,and vize versa…Like this howmany devices in different locations connected via internet or bluetooth or wifi, I shall connect and use all the features. 

    3) Now, in recent times, whether ordinary NON-AVG-ZEN products available? I.e. procuct activation thru stand alone key & for the intended PC only, OR discontinued or downloadable from you also.

    The AMAZON selling link:
AVG Ultimate Multi-Platform 1 Year (CD)

Expecting your clear reply immediately.

Hello Bhasgaran,
We regret for the inconvenience. We keep you in formed that there is no offline installer for AVG free version as like before. IN AVG 2016 version we do have AVG ZEN as a interface for AVG Protection Free. Due to the arrival of new threats and infections, we have updated our AVG security program with high new security patches and updates to enhance the computer security. AVG ZEN is a interface for AVG Internet Security and AVG PC Tune up for unlimited Devices. You can also find HMA VPN and AVG Web TuneUp cirlces on the Zen interface. HMA VPN is another separate paid program and it helps to hide your IP address so that no hackers can hack your PC. AVG Web TuneUp is the free browser add-on and it helps you to browse securely on the Internet. It gets installed only on the default browser of your PC and it is not compatible with the Windows 10 Edge browser.