AVG VPN also makes the world think my computer is in the Czech Reprublic at intermittant times. I have to force the VPN to renegotiate my "optimal" connection, or sometimes use the particular web site's user settings to force my location back to the United States.
Hello Steve,
I am sorry to hear that.
May I know how you will open the Google browser? Do you use the button in the AVG Secure VPN or just opening a browser and entering google.com or any other way? Also, please let me know the public IP address [https://www.howtogeek.com/117371/how-to-find-your-computers-private-public-ip-addresses/] after connecting to the VPN.
I am sorry to hear that.
May I know how you will open the Google browser? Do you use the button in the AVG Secure VPN or just opening a browser and entering google.com or any other way? Also, please let me know the public IP address [https://www.howtogeek.com/117371/how-to-find-your-computers-private-public-ip-addresses/] after connecting to the VPN.
My AVG VPN location is set to Miami (I do live in Florida) and my browser language is set to English, but for some reason when I open google it goes to https://www.google.cz. When I turn off the AVG VPN google is the US site and language is English. Why is this happening and can this be corrected?
Thank you for the quick response.
This is interesting. It is now working. I get the US version of Google now and I'm not sure why LOL. I was getting it either by clicking on the link in AVG VPN or manually typing in the address.
FYI I'm using Google Chrome browser and when connected with AVG VPN the public IP is currently (of course that changes with each vpn connection and I'm not sure what it was when I was getting the Czech google as I didn't think to look, sorry).
Kurt, the explanation for this situation is explained in our FAQ under "Why do certain websites claim that I'm connected to a different city than the city I selected as my VPN location?"
Thank you.
Thank you.
You are welcome, Steve.
Browsers will load the page based on the locations you choose on AVG Secure VPN, this is default. Thank you for letting us know its status.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.
AVG VPN also makes the world think my computer is in the Czech Reprublic at intermittant times. I have to force the VPN to renegotiate my "optimal" connection, or sometimes use the particular web site's user settings to force my location back to the United States.