AVG VPN interference with One-drive syncing

Will AVG VPN interfere with my One-drive synchronizing with my computer?  This is what happened with NORD VPN and I had to shut it down. They couldn't help me nor would they refund my money. I note that AVG blocks certain apps from working.

Hello Ross,
Thank you for contacting AVG community.
I would like to inform you that AVG Secure VPN will not block Onedrive and it should work as usual. But if any issue occurs and the AVG VPN blocks Onedrive do let us know we will help you resolve the issue.

Thank you for understanding.

Hello Ross,
Thank you for contacting AVG community.
I would like to inform you that AVG Secure VPN will not block Onedrive and it should work as usual. But if any issue occurs and the AVG VPN blocks Onedrive do let us know we will help you resolve the issue.

Thank you for understanding.