AVG VPN kan in niet op amail naar ndere apparaten installeren

Ron, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Dutch to English]
AVG VPN cannot install to other devices in an email
I have purchased AVG Secure VPN. Now I want to install it on my tablet. I want to send an invitation from AVG but the mail is not sent. What am I doing wrong??
AVG Guru

IK heb AVG Secure VPN aangeschaft. Nu wil ik het ook installeren op mijn tablet.
Ik wil een uitnodiging versturen vanuit AVG maar de mail wordt niet verstuurd.
Wat doe ik fout ??

Hello Ron,
We are sorry, but we don't speak your language. Please visit support.avg.com for more help or respond back in English.
Best regards,

Ron, What is the OS [Operating System] of your tablet?.
AVG Guru

Ron, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Dutch to English]
AVG VPN cannot install to other devices in an email
I have purchased AVG Secure VPN. Now I want to install it on my tablet. I want to send an invitation from AVG but the mail is not sent. What am I doing wrong??
AVG Guru