Hi Brendan,
We're glad to help you with the info.
You can be rest assured that AVG Secure VPN secures the network to which your computer is connected by encrypting it.
To know more about AVG Secure VPN, you can check this page. If it doesn't answer your query, feel free to write it to us here.
You can initiate a chat with us by using this link. Thank you for your understanding in advance!
I am trying to compare my AVG VPN with PrtotonMail VPN - can anyone point me to the specifics of what leve of security AVG has - below is what ProtonMAil have - basically it generates a unique key for each session!
Also, can anyone tel me how I chat to AVG? I only posted this below as a last resort.
network traffic is encrypted with AES-256, key exchange is done with 4096-bit RSA, and HMAC with SHA384 is used for message authentication. We have carefully selected our encryption cipher suites to only include ones that have Perfect Forward Secrecy. This means that your encrypted traffic cannot be captured and decrypted later if the encryption key from a subsequent session gets compromised. With each connection, we generate a new encryption key, so a key is never used for more than one session.
We use only VPN protocols that are known to be secure - IKEv2/IPSec and OpenVPN. ProtonVPN does not have any servers that support PPTP and L2TP/IPSec, even though they are less costly to operate. By using ProtonVPN, you can be confident that your VPN tunnel is protected by the most reliable protocol.
Also, can anyone tel me how I chat to AVG? I only posted this below as a last resort.
network traffic is encrypted with AES-256, key exchange is done with 4096-bit RSA, and HMAC with SHA384 is used for message authentication. We have carefully selected our encryption cipher suites to only include ones that have Perfect Forward Secrecy. This means that your encrypted traffic cannot be captured and decrypted later if the encryption key from a subsequent session gets compromised. With each connection, we generate a new encryption key, so a key is never used for more than one session.
We use only VPN protocols that are known to be secure - IKEv2/IPSec and OpenVPN. ProtonVPN does not have any servers that support PPTP and L2TP/IPSec, even though they are less costly to operate. By using ProtonVPN, you can be confident that your VPN tunnel is protected by the most reliable protocol.
I keep getting cut off from AVG support, you fear ProtonMail VPN is better then this will not help. I paid you are now you are letting me dosn so badly right when i need you.
Please accept our apologies, Brendan
In this case, I would like to offer you a free remote session.
Our remote agent will help you fix this issue in your PC.
We have sent an email with further details. Please check your inbox/spam for the email.
Hi Brendan,
We're glad to help you with the info.
You can be rest assured that AVG Secure VPN secures the network to which your computer is connected by encrypting it.
To know more about AVG Secure VPN, you can check this page. If it doesn't answer your query, feel free to write it to us here.
You can initiate a chat with us by using this link. Thank you for your understanding in advance!
We're glad to help you with the info.
You can be rest assured that AVG Secure VPN secures the network to which your computer is connected by encrypting it.
To know more about AVG Secure VPN, you can check this page. If it doesn't answer your query, feel free to write it to us here.
You can initiate a chat with us by using this link. Thank you for your understanding in advance!