Hello Jason,
We would like to inform you that the refund of your order has been started.
Once we finish our internal refund procedure, the transaction will be processed by the payment operator. You will receive additional confirmation in a separate e-mail.
Please take a note that the exact time the refunded amount will reach your account depends on payment operators, therefore we can no longer influence this process.
Generally, it should not take more than 7 business days.
hi i was charged £69.99 for using trial it ends 3 December 2018 i canceled trial along time ago but the day i started trial it charged me on my barclaycard please help for refund thank you
Hello Jason,
We would like to inform you that the refund of your order has been started.
Once we finish our internal refund procedure, the transaction will be processed by the payment operator. You will receive additional confirmation in a separate e-mail.
Please take a note that the exact time the refunded amount will reach your account depends on payment operators, therefore we can no longer influence this process.
Generally, it should not take more than 7 business days.