Thomas, Try AVG Remover (
AVG Guru
I try to uninstall AVG but get this message
I need to remove to reinstall..
What do I do
I am ADMIN and sole user.
avg watchdog could not be deleted
Verify that you have sufficient privieges to remove system servicesI need to remove to reinstall..
What do I do
I am ADMIN and sole user.
Thomas, Try AVG Remover (
AVG Guru
AVG Guru
Hello Thomas,
I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
May I know the name of the AVG product you want to uninstall?
Have you tried AVG remover tool to uninstall AVG product?
Thank you.
I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
May I know the name of the AVG product you want to uninstall?
Have you tried AVG remover tool to uninstall AVG product?
Thank you.