As soon as AVG is installed and activates, AVG brings up the threat of APEX software on the computer. Two choices, send to the bad list, or accept the program. AVG will not allow APEX to exist and be moved to the "good list" of possible threats. AVG basically only allows APEX to be removed, and if you choose accept/allow there is no action as if nothing was "clicked" by the cursor. Once again APEX has to exist. Happy with AVG otherwise, and an older version allowed APEX to exist. I apologize for not being able to explain this better. Thanks again, Jim.
Jim, thank you for the information. You can exclude APEX from AVG scanning:
Open AVG.
In the top menu click Options, and then click Advanced Settings.
In the left part of the window click Exceptions, and then click Add exception.
Under Exception type select Folder.
Click Browse, and then navigate to the applications program folder, such as:
C:\Program Files\APEX
C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX
Click OK to confirm the selected folder. The folder will be shown in the list of Exceptions in the Advanced Settings window.
Click OK to save the changes and close the Advanced Settings window.
Hi all,
Have AVG Internet Security running on computers. Recently installed on a computer that has an agricultural program (APEX) that deals with production, GPS information, etc. AVG will instantly block the APEX program from running (has been on the computer for years and an earlier version of AVG allowed it). AVG will not allow this program to run, can not send it to the list of "good" programs so that AVG will allow the program to run. My only option has been to uninstall AVG and stop internet access to this computer. My APEX program has to be on the computer, AVG does not. What can I do to resolve this. Once again AVG will not allow the program, although it is safe. The two programs are not compatible and obviously don't like each other! Thanks.
As soon as AVG is installed and activates, AVG brings up the threat of APEX software on the computer. Two choices, send to the bad list, or accept the program. AVG will not allow APEX to exist and be moved to the "good list" of possible threats. AVG basically only allows APEX to be removed, and if you choose accept/allow there is no action as if nothing was "clicked" by the cursor. Once again APEX has to exist. Happy with AVG otherwise, and an older version allowed APEX to exist. I apologize for not being able to explain this better. Thanks again, Jim.
Open AVG.
In the top menu click Options, and then click Advanced Settings.
In the left part of the window click Exceptions, and then click Add exception.
Under Exception type select Folder.
Click Browse, and then navigate to the applications program folder, such as:
C:\Program Files\APEX
C:\Program Files (x86)\APEX
Click OK to confirm the selected folder. The folder will be shown in the list of Exceptions in the Advanced Settings window.
Click OK to save the changes and close the Advanced Settings window.