I haveAVG free installed on my computer. I did it in France so every time I got French quistionswhich I didn't understand.
After awhile Igot this avgui.exe faillure. Which told me thre program could not be started because MSVCP110.dll is missing. I searched on the hdd and found it. But not the program probably. The register was ok I had it checked but found nothing. De-installing AVG is not succesfull and installing it again aswell not. Trying to get a backup back from a while ago was not helping either.The de-installing is hanging on the same problem about that faillure.
Someprograms will help the say but you have to buy those and the find over 300 problems but I have not a good feeling about those programs who always find things to solve and then you have to pay.
Can you help me?