Avguirna process - AVG does not completely uninstall

After updating to Windows 10 Anniversary Edition 64-bit, I decided to try AVG Antivirus (free edition). It installed, then gave me problems (freezing during a system scan for rootkits). I ran the uninstaller, and that also froze early on in the process. So I closed that and ran the AVG Remover utility - twice. After reboots, there are still remnants of AVG on my computer. I see nothing in the Program Files folders. However, in Task Manager, in the Startup list, there is a process called Avguirna with the familiar AVG icon next to it. I can disable it, but can't see a way to remove it. There are bits in the Windows registry for AVGUI and AVG_UI in startup-related sections, as well as other bits throughout the registry. I'm obviously not having a good experience with this software. Can anyone help me scrub my computer clean of AVG, please? Thank you very much!

I followed what John brook said how to remove the avguirna.exe file that appears in the startup section in Task Manager using regedit and it worksUser-added image

I've just solved the problem!

Install CCleaner, go to Tools tab, then click on Startup.

You'll see only one  program from AVG, you know that thanks to the Publisher column, however, right click on it and then click on Open in Regedit. Now righ click on the avg voice and delete.

restart the system and now the start up manager won't show any avg process
Bye! :)

Autoruns for Windows removed it for me

remove the 2 following items

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"AVG_UI"="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AVG\\Framework\\Common\\avguirna.exe\" /lps=av"
"AvgUi"="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AVG\\Framework\\Common\\avguirna.exe\" /lps=fmw"
Hi - I just got a survey implying that this is the end of the line. It's just as well - I've decided to wipe my hard drives and reinstall everything from scratch. Sorry, I won't be giving AVG another try. Thank you very much for your assistance - I sincerely hope it helps improve AVG software. I want you to know that I first used it many years ago, used it a lot, and ditched it for another brand because it was too slow and buggy. It seems none of that has changed in all this time - still slow, still won't fully uninstall, still stumbles during scans.

As AVG support seems unable to help you, I suggest that you have a look in registry and in particular in location
where you can delete the 2 values
"AVG_UI"=""C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG\Framework\Common\avguirna.exe" /lps=av"
"AvgUi"=""C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG\Framework\Common\avguirna.exe" /lps=fmw"

Hello Gregory,
We apologize for the inconvenience.
It seems that some of the traces of AVG is still present in your computer. Please go to the Program Data, Program files, App Data in your computer and remove any traces of AVG  present and also run the AVG remover again and delete the AVG Remover folder from C drive.
Thank you.

No, I did not say that I can see the process running. In fact, there is no running process in Task Manager. What I see is Avguirna in the Startup list in Task Manager. When I right-click on that, the option to see its location is grayed out. The file probably doesn't exist, but it's still there in the Startup list and enabled by default. And those other fragments in the registry… the issue won't be resolved until all of this is removed. Thank you for continuing to assist me.

Hi - I just got a survey implying that this is the end of the line. It's just as well - I've decided to wipe my hard drives and reinstall everything from scratch. Sorry, I won't be giving AVG another try. Thank you very much for your assistance - I sincerely hope it helps improve AVG software. I want you to know that I first used it many years ago, used it a lot, and ditched it for another brand because it was too slow and buggy. It seems none of that has changed in all this time - still slow, still won't fully uninstall, still stumbles during scans.

Gregory, I have the same problem! Absolutely frustrating that we can't get this off our computers.


Did you find a solution?


Oh cause it makes it okay for you to install whatever you want on us if we didn't pay you money?
I have the same damn problem… installed yesterday ran a free test… uninstalled yesterday. Today, I see avguirna.exe and fmw in the start-up… delete every folder with avg letters, run your bogus remover. Run it multiple times… takes 1 hour in total… what is it doing for 1 hour??? Hidden things. Poor Gregory ran it for 8 hours?? The installation for the stupid AVG takes 5 minutes. What are you, randomly dispersing files through the system?
So, Avguirna can't be removed.
Now help me remove it.

As AVG support seems unable to help you, I suggest that you have a look in registry and in particular in location
where you can delete the 2 values
"AVG_UI"=""C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG\Framework\Common\avguirna.exe" /lps=av"
"AvgUi"=""C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG\Framework\Common\avguirna.exe" /lps=fmw"

Hello Gregory,
Please provide us with the screenshot of the registry location and on the Task manager so that we could analyze the issue more better. Please follow the instructions on the article http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot to create the screenshot.

We apologize if an AVG product did not meet your expectations. Our main goal is to keep our customers happy.

AVG carefully monitors the quality of our products and the service we provide, therefore all feedback from our customers is important to us. If you have a specific experience with AVG products that you would like to share with us, please share it here http://avgclick.me/AVGfeedback . Thank you.

I've just solved the problem!

Install CCleaner, go to Tools tab, then click on Startup.

You'll see only one  program from AVG, you know that thanks to the Publisher column, however, right click on it and then click on Open in Regedit. Now righ click on the avg voice and delete.

restart the system and now the start up manager won't show any avg process
Bye! :)

Pleased to see that you appear to be now sorted. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting. Feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance.

I'm sorry I've had a rough week. I didn't mean any of my first post/answer. AVG is the best free anti virus, I think I should have run the AVG installer and chosen uninstal from there instead of manually removing programs from control panel.

Hello Shanda,
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Did you try to download and run the AVG remover tool and let us know if you have installed free or paid version of AVG?
Thank you

No, nothing from AVG is installed - I checked the Control Panel and the browser (Google Chrome).