I upgraded to windows 10 via the free up grade.
My internet security AVG disappeared from my system.
I also had problems with AVG Tune up
1. When I try to reenstall AVG internet seecurity it fails, the same with tune up
MSVCP 110.dll come up when I try to open tune up.
I down loaded the fix for MSVCP.dll from microsoft website but the error still comes up
how to resolve this issue.
Hello Marrk.
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. We have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them and you should be able to resolve your issue. Thank you.
Hello Marrk.
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. We have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them and you should be able to resolve your issue. Thank you.