Horst, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
It is again a fishing email the above fraudsters in circulation, also I have received such a mail yesterday. Your program has this mail not recognized, although it is reported on the Internet. You should rectify this immediately so that such emails are eliminated.
AVG Guru
Es ist wieder eine fishing e-mail der oben genannten Betrüger im Umlauf, auch ich habe eine solche mail gestern erhalten. Ihr Programm hat diese mail nicht erkannt, obwohl im Internet darüber berichtet wird. Sie sollten hier umgehend nachbessern, damit solche mails eliminiert werden.
H. Knoll
Hello Horst,
From the translation provided by Alan, we couldn't understand your exact concern.
Please be more specific on your issue with AVG so that we can assist you better.
Thank you.
Horst, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
It is again a fishing email the above fraudsters in circulation, also I have received such a mail yesterday. Your program has this mail not recognized, although it is reported on the Internet. You should rectify this immediately so that such emails are eliminated.
AVG Guru