Best Antivirus and Malware Protection

Hi John,
I understand you have installed other Anti virus program in your computer and you are also using AVG free program.
And you want to know whether AVG program will protect you without the other Anti Virus  programs .
Is that correct ? Please elaborate your issue an we will help you resolve it .

Thank you

I was using AVG free and had problems when I bought windows 10.  That led my to buying iYogi and Enigma spyhunter which got me back ontrack.  It is now 12 months and the subscriptions are due for renewal.  Will AVG Free give me the same protection?

Thank you for your clear explanation.
You can install AVG Free in your computer now by uninstalling other antivirus program in your computer.To get complete protection for your system.
We have updated and upgraded our Free protection to give enough protection.
Please feel free to contact us again.
Thank you for choosing AVG.

Hi John,
I understand you have installed other Anti virus program in your computer and you are also using AVG free program.
And you want to know whether AVG program will protect you without the other Anti Virus  programs .
Is that correct ? Please elaborate your issue an we will help you resolve it .

Thank you

No, I was using AVG up until I got Windows 10 (12 months ago).  I have not used AVG since iYogi and Enigma were installed.