Billed twice by DRI*AVG Technologies without email notification

My American Express card was just billed twice ($58.29 & $74.19) by DRI*AVG Technologies for subscriptions that were previously cancelled as neither business has any record of any active subscriptions in my name.  I want these charges removed from my card and if there are any active subscriptions in my name I want them cancelled immediately too.

Hello Patrick,

We apologize for the inconvenience. We'll look into this & help you.
Unfortunately, we couldn't locate your charges ($58.29 & $74.19) under the email address you've used to contact us here. We've sent you an email requesting more info to follow. Please check and revert to that email for further assistance.

Hello Patrick,

We apologize for the inconvenience. We'll look into this & help you.
Unfortunately, we couldn't locate your charges ($58.29 & $74.19) under the email address you've used to contact us here. We've sent you an email requesting more info to follow. Please check and revert to that email for further assistance.