Blocked Internet Access

Hello Zipho,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. To resolve the issue, we suggest you to temporarily disable your AVG program ( and then install your Link Modem software and then add exception for it in your AVG program by following the instructions in .After adding exception, we suggest you to enable your AVG program and let us know the status. Thank you.

I need some help i Installed an AVG on my Laptop then after i tried to have access on Internet using a D-Link Modem but i couldn't because the Modem i was using to install da Software was initially blocked by AVG as an Untrusted hardware if i may use da word…So in this case the AVG i installed needed an Udpate which is wht i was about to do but i couldn't because i was initially blocked or rather da software of da D-Link Modem was blocked from Installation…So What Should I Do To Unblock It??

Hello Zipho,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. To resolve the issue, we suggest you to temporarily disable your AVG program ( and then install your Link Modem software and then add exception for it in your AVG program by following the instructions in .After adding exception, we suggest you to enable your AVG program and let us know the status. Thank you.