Bloqueio de tela

Hi Edison,

We have a separate team for the Mobile products. 

Please follow the below steps to contact our Mobile team, they will help you to resolve the issue:

Please click on this link: .
Select the option as "YES" and the operating system as "ANDROID"
Fill in the details and click on the option "answer via email"
Once your request is submitted you will be getting the prompt answer via email from our mobile team

Thank you

Boa tarde, estava instalando o AVG e configurando smart-phone novo Sansung J6 ,64g, a tela apagou e não estou conseguindo abrir pois ainda não tinha criado senha. Como resolver este caoso.Grto.

Hi Edison,

We have a separate team for the Mobile products. 

Please follow the below steps to contact our Mobile team, they will help you to resolve the issue:

Please click on this link: .
Select the option as "YES" and the operating system as "ANDROID"
Fill in the details and click on the option "answer via email"
Once your request is submitted you will be getting the prompt answer via email from our mobile team

Thank you