Bought full option (ultimate) but i dont see all the options

Hello Jorrit-pieter,

For Mac, AVG Antivirus & Cleaner apps components and features will be completely different from AVG programs of Windows.
The email component for AVG Antivirus in Mac will be released soon but the exact timeframe is unknown.
AVG apps (Antivirus & Cleaner) are free to download and install. There is no paid version of it.
Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance.

Hi, i bought the ultimate version of the AVG software but when i open the program and log in i only see three options… Mac shield, web shield and email shield shield (coming soon).
And in right corner only connected… 
How is this posible?
my order number is :12942170172

Hello Jorrit-pieter,

For Mac, AVG Antivirus & Cleaner apps components and features will be completely different from AVG programs of Windows.
The email component for AVG Antivirus in Mac will be released soon but the exact timeframe is unknown.
AVG apps (Antivirus & Cleaner) are free to download and install. There is no paid version of it.
Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance.

Ha, stupid me. I did not see i bought the wrong packages. So yes please, could you refund the two packages…

Sorry for the inconvenience

Jorrit-pieter, You have purchased AVG Internet Security - Unlimited Devices initially and then subscribed for AVG Ultimate.
AVG Ultimate has both Internet Security and PC TuneUp program in it. Hence, your existing Internet Security validity got added and the Ultimate will now expire on 23rd March 2020.
If you don't have Windows PCs or Android smartphones then it is not necessary to purchase this product as AVG Antivirus is free for Mac.
If you wish to get refund of both the purchase, do give me a confirmation here.
The current version of AVG Antivirus in Mac actually works perfectly and we are working to implement the "Email Component" as soon as possible.
Web and Mac shield will protect the device and browsing data.