Buy PC tuneup when i already bought avg tuneup and avg internet security

Hi Lou,

I apologize for the inconvenience caused.

This seems like a Marketing Pop-Up and can be Turned Off. Please open AVG Internet Security, click on Menu>Settings. In Settings Window, expand "Pop-Ups" and uncheck "Show pop-up offers for other AVG products".

started getting pop-ups that my system is being slowed down. that i should buy PC tuneup to fix my issues.

I already bought and have installed avg internet security and AVG tuneup.   Should the Tuneup be fixing this slowdowns?  When i run the tuneup scan it doesn't find anything.

Which is the problem? the tuneup doesn't fix anything and there are issues. Or these pop-ups are telling me i have problems when there are none? seems misleading somehow.

Hi Lou,

I apologize for the inconvenience caused.

This seems like a Marketing Pop-Up and can be Turned Off. Please open AVG Internet Security, click on Menu>Settings. In Settings Window, expand "Pop-Ups" and uncheck "Show pop-up offers for other AVG products".