By mistake AVG PC TuneUP ordered twice

Hello Mihalis,
We can understand that you need to check your account details regarding AVG Subscriptions. We have checked your account and it seems that you have purchased  AVG Internet Security (1 computer) good till 5/10/2019, AVG PC TuneUp (1 computer) valid till 6/16/2018, AVG PC TuneUp (1 computer) good till 5/10/2018, and AVG Internet Security (1 computer) expires on 6/29/2017.
So you have purchased AVG Internet Security and PC tune up twice. If you wish to cancel the auto renewal of AVG Internet Security that expires on 6/29/2017, please get back to us and we will proceed with that. We can arrange for merging or refunding one of the license for AVG PC tuneup. So if you are interested to do, please reply back here and we will help you with that.
Thank you.

Thanks for this quick reply.
To clarify the situation I have to note the following:
1. I ordered (and paid)  only once a two-year renewal of AVG Intenrnet Security and this was my intention.
2.The mistake concerns only the one-year AVG PC TuneUP renewal that inadvertently was ordered twice.
3. I my opinion (and despite my initial intention) the simplest solution now will be to merge the two one-year AVG PC TuneUp renewals into one two-year renewal.
4. If this is feasible I would like to be informed how to proceed; should I wait for a new AVG PC TuneUp licence number (and thus delete and never install the two PC TumeUp files that AVG send to me)? or shoud I keep these files and install them after a message from AVG that they have been merged? (In this second case I need also to be informed if I have to install both of them the same day or only one, and the second one year later).
5. Will this fusion of these two AVG PC TuneUp orders affect in any way my two-year AVG Internet Security License?
Sicerely yours, Mihalis Mavridis.

PS. I suppose that a two-year AVG PC TuneUp plus a two-year AVG Internet security costs less than the 141,97 Euros that I paid. If this is the case, I would appreciate that the difference will be refunded.

On May 2017 I renewed my AVG Internet Security (for two years) and the AVG PC TuneUp (for one year). The 10th May 2017 I received from AVG the “Invoice, Order confirmation and License” for these products with their corresponding license numbers. A total amount of 110,98 Euros was charged to my bank account. I have downloaded the two files but I haven’t yet installed them, since my previous AVG subscription is still valid. Surprisingly the 7th June I received a second mail from AVG concerning an AVG PC TuneUp one year renewal with a different license number and an amount of 30,99 Euros. Since my intention was to buy the AVG PC TuneUp for one year, I didn’t download this file. Did I inadvertently ordered twice the AVG PC TuneUp? If this is the case and this second order is too difficult to cancel I would like to know how to proceed for the AVG PC TuneUp installation. Should I only download this second file and wait to install it one year later (after the expiration of the first one) or I can install “simultaneously” both AVG PC TuneUp files (without the risk of overlap) ?
Waiting for a response,  Mihalis Mavridis.

  1. My choice is to merge the two one-year AVG PC TuneUp licenses into an extended one (of two years).
    2. I stil wait a reply to points 4 and 5 of my response to Abirami Shanmugam's answer.
    3. The reason that I didn't opt for the automatic renewal of AVG Internet security is that between 2015 and 2017 my previous credit card had expired and I have a new one (that will also expire on Mars 2019, i.e. for my future renewal I will follow the same procedure).
    4. I am nevertheless frustrated with the information that the two-year AVG Internet Security that I bought in advance (prompted by some AVG alert messages) une 2019. In fact I was persuaded that AVG company is sophisticate enough to prevent time-overlaps of their products.  simply 10th May 2019 and not till 29th Jjunemy Why the my future ren probably will also expire by   and  iJune 2015  Please give me also a reply to points 4 and 5 of my answerThe reason

Please use this link to contact our sales support team and they will help you to merge the licenses of AVG PC Tune up. And merging of AVG PC Tune up licenses will not affect the AVG Internet Security program. Our sales agents will guide you regarding the merging of license for AVG PC Tune up. You can reactivate AVG Internet Security with the new license once the old license expires on 6/29/2017.
Thank you.

Hello Mihalis,
Thank you for getting back to us. It seems you have purchased a new AVG Internet Security (1 computer, 2 year subscription) instead of renewing the existing license. So, I have disabled the automatic renewal on your old license. You now have only one AVG Internet Security (1 computer) valid till 10th May 2019.
Regarding your AVG PC TuneUp licenses, we can either process a refund for one of those licenses or merge them with extended license period. Please let us know your choice to proceed further.

Thanks for this quick reply.
To clarify the situation I have to note the following:
1. I ordered (and paid)  only once a two-year renewal of AVG Intenrnet Security and this was my intention.
2.The mistake concerns only the one-year AVG PC TuneUP renewal that inadvertently was ordered twice.
3. I my opinion (and despite my initial intention) the simplest solution now will be to merge the two one-year AVG PC TuneUp renewals into one two-year renewal.
4. If this is feasible I would like to be informed how to proceed; should I wait for a new AVG PC TuneUp licence number (and thus delete and never install the two PC TumeUp files that AVG send to me)? or shoud I keep these files and install them after a message from AVG that they have been merged? (In this second case I need also to be informed if I have to install both of them the same day or only one, and the second one year later).
5. Will this fusion of these two AVG PC TuneUp orders affect in any way my two-year AVG Internet Security License?
Sicerely yours, Mihalis Mavridis.

PS. I suppose that a two-year AVG PC TuneUp plus a two-year AVG Internet security costs less than the 141,97 Euros that I paid. If this is the case, I would appreciate that the difference will be refunded.

Hello Mihalis,
We can understand that you need to check your account details regarding AVG Subscriptions. We have checked your account and it seems that you have purchased  AVG Internet Security (1 computer) good till 5/10/2019, AVG PC TuneUp (1 computer) valid till 6/16/2018, AVG PC TuneUp (1 computer) good till 5/10/2018, and AVG Internet Security (1 computer) expires on 6/29/2017.
So you have purchased AVG Internet Security and PC tune up twice. If you wish to cancel the auto renewal of AVG Internet Security that expires on 6/29/2017, please get back to us and we will proceed with that. We can arrange for merging or refunding one of the license for AVG PC tuneup. So if you are interested to do, please reply back here and we will help you with that.
Thank you.