Can not install updates

I am getting the error:

iMac:~ Osuric$ kextstat | grep com.comodo
  141    0 0xffffff7f81fd9000 0x7000     0x7000     com.comodo.kext.FileAccessFilter (1.0.0) AAD98F36-F8C3-3A92-8095-E67841D56319 <5 4 3 1>
iMac:~ Osuric$ sudo kextunload -b AAD98F36-F8C3-3A92-8095-E67841D56319
(kernel) Kext AAD98F36-F8C3-3A92-8095-E67841D56319 not found for unload request.
Failed to unload AAD98F36-F8C3-3A92-8095-E67841D56319 - (libkern/kext) not found.
iMac:~ Osuric$

I have already tried the reinstall/uninstall and restart several times.   that does not work

Hello Calvin,

We completely understand that situation.
We request you to provide the screenshot of the popup that appears from AVG Antivirus so we can escalate to concern team.
Just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.

We are happy to hear that your issue is resolved. We appreciate your time and co-operation. Feel free to contact us for further query regarding AVG.
Thank you

Hi Calvin,
We understand your concern and to assist with the issue better please confirm whether you are facing issues with MAC or PC.
Thank you.

Here is my screenshot, and thanks to P. Palafou for providing both the same screenshot and validation that this is not just a 1-off case.     I had to re-install AVG to get the screenshot.  With no error code or log to check, it seemed to be of little importance to the overall error.  This error is occuring when updating the virus defintions.    AVG is looking somewhere to determine if another antivirus it one, the question is where so we can appropriately correct the issue and move on.

User-added image

I have been using AVG Antivirus for a while now, but now I am unable to update the version I am using.  It keeps saying that a previous Anti-virus (COMODO) is installed on the system.  I have installed and reinstalled AVG multiple times,  as well as the antivirus program multiple times.  I have installed MAC Application removal, disk cleaner utility programs to clean up any mess left behind. I have even done searches terminal for files relating to this software.    All for nothing because I still cannot update AVG.    

Where does the AVG Antivirus software look to determine if another anti-virus program is installed?

Hello. I have exactly the same problem than Calvin Miller. I can't even remember when I used Comodo on my computer. The true question is : why this conflict occurs now ? …cause I've been using AVG Antivirus Mac Free for several months now. And no problem updating, until this end of May 2017.

What did you change AVG ? Why ?

Thank you for providing the screenshot, P. Palafou.
We have escalated the case to senior team to get further suggestion on this matter.
Please keep checking the post and your patience is much appreciated.
iMac:Extensions Osuric$ sudo kextunload -v -b com.comodo.kext.FileAccessFilter
(kernel) Can't remove kext com.comodo.kext.FileAccessFilter; services failed to terminate - 0xe00002c7.
Failed to unload com.comodo.kext.FileAccessFilter - (iokit/common) unsupported function.


Hello Calvin,

We appreciate all your efforts. As you have already remove the traces of Comodo, we request you to provide a screenshot of the error window, version of AVG Program installed in your PC and the OS version by following the instructions below so that it could be escalated to our concern team. Here are the instructions:

Here is the link to get the instructions to take a screenshot:
Get the OS version by following the instructions: http://https//
To find out the version you can follow user manual, part 4.3. Menu in the task bar

Thank you.

Hello Calvin,
We are sorry to hear that you were unable to remove Comodo program from your PC. We would suggest you to contact Comodo support team to get it removed because it's their product and they know all the details about it's integration into OS.
Thank you for understanding.

Hello Calvin,

We completely understand that situation.
We request you to provide the screenshot of the popup that appears from AVG Antivirus so we can escalate to concern team.
Just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.

We are happy to hear that your issue is resolved. We appreciate your time and co-operation. Feel free to contact us for further query regarding AVG.
Thank you

It's working again ! 

I followed the  “kextstat | grep com.comodo” instruction.
Result for me : 121    0 0xffffff7f825e3000 0x7000     0x7000     com.comodo.kext.FileAccessFilter (1.0.0) AAD98F36-F8C3-3A92-8095-E67841D56319 <5 4 3 1>

I didn't know how to apply "sudo kextunload -b [RECORD NAME]" command, with that. Always an error message (feel free to show me, if necessary…)

Therefore, I've reinstalled the current Comodo Free Mac Antivirus from,
and uninstalled again with its own uninstall program…   It's a bit boring, because the computer has to be restarted twice. Fortunately, it worked. I hope Calvin Miller will find a solution too…

Anyway… thank you for your help : AVG Technologies & Rick Agen.
Without your answers, I would have chosen another antivirus. Regards.

Hahaha.   Thanks.   If it were as simple as that, i wouldn't have needed to post.   Fact is nothing Comodo is actually left on the file system from what i can tell.    Comodo has been uninstalled several times.   I have used 3rd party disk cleaners to remove left over files.  I have opened the terminal and searched using the bash terminal to find anything from comodo and remove it.   And after that i restarted and then reinstalled AVG.     Now it still says somthing from COMODO is installed.  If you could tell me were / how AVG checks for other installed anti-virus' i can trouble shoot farther.   BTW i have used AVG for awhile and did not use to get this error, and no I did not install any other anti-virus software before this started.

thanks again.

Hi Calvin,
Thank you for your response and to update the AVG Antivirus in MAC we need to remove the Comodo Antivirus. To uninstall the Comodo, Open the Applications folder in the Finder (if it doesn't appear in the sidebar, go to the Menu Bar, open the “Go” menu, and select Applications in the list), search for Comodo Antivirus application by typing its name in the search field, and then drag it to the Trash (in the dock) to begin the uninstall.
After the uninstall you can update the AVG, If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help you with your issue.
Thank you.

Here is my screenshot, and thanks to P. Palafou for providing both the same screenshot and validation that this is not just a 1-off case.     I had to re-install AVG to get the screenshot.  With no error code or log to check, it seemed to be of little importance to the overall error.  This error is occuring when updating the virus defintions.    AVG is looking somewhere to determine if another antivirus it one, the question is where so we can appropriately correct the issue and move on.

User-added image

Thank you for the screenshot Calvin,
This can happen when remnants of other Antivirus application are detected, please follow the below instruction remove remnants:
- Open terminal and run “kextstat | grep com.comodo”. List of records will be displayed.
- For every record from previous step us the "sudo kextunload -b [RECORD NAME]" command
- Once all records from 1st step are removed, installation/update should be successful.
If the issue still persist, please contact us again.
Best regards,