Can´t open ramdomly URLs from time to time!

Hi Michael,
I have checked the details It seems that you are facing issues with opening the URL in your PC. In this case Please try to repair the AVG from control panel and also try to reset the browser.
To repair the AVG please follow start->control panel->Programs->select AVG product and then repair it.
After this process if you face any issues please feel free to contact us.
Thank you.

Can´t open ramdomly URLs from time to time. It works to open same URL If I deacivate AVG and activate again???!!!
Is it any settings to fix this problem?

I have AVG Ultimate with the latest Internet security upgraded 2017-03-30
Hi again.

The problem remains after I repaired AVG Protections and also tried to reset the browser by press Ctrl+F5 and also restart the browser.....
Okay Micael, In this case to assist you better please click on the below link to get connected in chat session.
Thank you.