Cancel the free package

Hello John,

We are glad to help you.
To locate the free subscription, please mention the valid email address registered with AVG.
Thank you.

Can I give you my debit card number that I used to subscrive?

I order you to cancel my subscription before the 3rd of June (before the free package ends).
Hello John,

As we informed earlier, We couldn't locate any trial/paid subscription under the email address you used to contact us here.
We have sent an email requesting more details to find your AVG subscription.
Please check and revert us back to us.
Thank you for the email address, John.
Unfortunately, we couldn't find any trial subscription under the email address.
It isn't recommended to share personal info over this public post.
Please reply to the email with all the possible details.

My last four digits of your credit card are: 3773
Name of the card holder: José Pereira
Date of transaction: June 4 (2021)
Amount debited (with currency): 49.99 € (euro)

Please, cancel.

Yes, I want to cancel the service and receive a refund. I can only thank you for everything.

Please, answer me

Hi John,

We are glad to help you.
We have sent you an email asking for a few details and please reply to that email.
Thank you.

please answer me.