Cancelación de renovacion

Hello Cindy,

Support via AVG Community forum is currently available only in English. For example, you can use Google Translate ( for translation.

Upon checking, we can see that the auto-renewal of your AVG TuneUp (60 days free trial) subscription has already been cancelled.
You can rest assured, as your AVG TuneUp (60 days free trial) subscription will not be renewed and no money will be taken from your account for the renewal.
Please write back to us if you have further queries.

Hquiero cancelar la renovación me pueden ayudar mi equipo ya esta en las últimas ya no prende y si enciende parpadea por eso quiero cancelar me llego un correo en donde pagaré 629 y el primer mes era gratis decía que si quiero renovó y no pago pero no quiero hacer uso de ella me podrían ayudar por favor a cancelarla por ahora 

Hello Cindy,

Support via AVG Community forum is currently available only in English. For example, you can use Google Translate ( for translation.

Upon checking, we can see that the auto-renewal of your AVG TuneUp (60 days free trial) subscription has already been cancelled.
You can rest assured, as your AVG TuneUp (60 days free trial) subscription will not be renewed and no money will be taken from your account for the renewal.
Please write back to us if you have further queries.