Cancelar la renovacion

Hi Branka,

AVG Support through Community channel is available only in English.
You can make use of Google Translator ( /) to translate our replies & reply in your language.

As per your request, we have cancelled the auto renewal for your subscription of AVG Secure VPN. Therefore, you won't be charged in the future after the expiration of the product.

Let us know, if you need further help.
 Alguien me podria decir como cancelar la suscripcion de AVG Sacure VPN  despues del tiempo de prueba gratuito y confirmar que no haran ningun cargo .
Muchas gracias .

Can anyone tell me how to stop a payment being charged to me for AVG Secure VPN now I have come to the end of the trial period and confirm that it will NOT  be charged.
Many thanks

Hi Branka,

AVG Support through Community channel is available only in English.
You can make use of Google Translator ( /) to translate our replies & reply in your language.

As per your request, we have cancelled the auto renewal for your subscription of AVG Secure VPN. Therefore, you won't be charged in the future after the expiration of the product.

Let us know, if you need further help.