Cancellation of subscription and cancellation of purchase

Hello Josefina,
I can see that you have already submitted a refund request for AVG TuneUp - Unlimited automatic renewal. You will receive a refund confirmation email soon. Feel free to contact us again if you need any further assistance.
Best regards,

Hello today I was notified through an e-mail that my annual subscription was reactivated. Unfortunately the email indicating that this would happen was directed to the spam folder so I didn´t see a message in time to give cancellation. Please i need to cancel this service because I don´t currently need it and it has already been charged to my visa credit card, will it be possible to reverse the purchase? The service will be reactivated on April 3.


Hello Josefina,
I can see that you have already submitted a refund request for AVG TuneUp - Unlimited automatic renewal. You will receive a refund confirmation email soon. Feel free to contact us again if you need any further assistance.
Best regards,