Cancellation of subscriptions

Hello Anne,

I will certainly check this for you.

I see that you have multiple AVG subscriptions listed on your account.

Automatic renewals are cancelled for all these products.

If you delete your AVG account, it will disable all the active subscriptions on your account.

If you still wish to delete, please click on this link to request for AVG data deletion.

Hello Anne,

I will certainly check this for you.

I see that you have multiple AVG subscriptions listed on your account.

Automatic renewals are cancelled for all these products.

If you delete your AVG account, it will disable all the active subscriptions on your account.

If you still wish to delete, please click on this link to request for AVG data deletion.

It seems that AVG product sales is not joined up. I'm having real problems cancelling my various subscriptions for products that I have paid for in the past. With every reminder of AVG producs that are nearing renewal I'm getting more and more annoyed and frustrated. Annoyed that AVG do not respond to my request that I don't want to renew and want my account removed. Frustrated because I seem to be going on about it for so long. Please AVG get this iinto your thick computer head, I don't have AVG on my computer, your products are overpriced and aren't anything special that can be obtained from free products available, I DO NOT WANT ANY MORE REMINDERS. If I was aware of an organisation where I could complain I would, please, please remove mydetails from your database.