Hello Colin,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I am sorry to hear that you were unable to reply back to our team via email. I understand that you wish for the refund. We will certainly look into this and help you. As it is not recommended to discuss your order/subscription details over this public post. Hence, we've sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert to us.
Thank you for your understanding.
I received an email from Veeramani Sivakumar concerning my request # 22165524. My cancellations of my 4 AVG products was acknowledged. I replied to this email at support@help.avg.com because it didn't say no reply. However, once again it said my email was NOT delivered. I am getting extremely frustrated. I said in my reply "That means that I will receive a FULL REFUND of $ 59.93 charged to my credit card for AVG Driver Updater as I cancelled it "within 30 days of payment, you're entitled to a full refund." which is your company policy.
Hello Colin,
We are sorry for the delay. We can understand your frustration. We acknowledge your refund request and your account got verified. We have initiated refund for AVG Driver updater subscription. We have sent confirmation email regarding refund. Kindly check it. If you have any concern, please do let us know. We look forward for your response.
You are most welcome, Colin.
Its our pleasure to help you. If you need any further help with AVG, feel free to contact us at anytime. Have a great day!
Thank you. I tried to reply to your email AGAIN but of course it was undeliverable. I appreciate that the situation has finally be resolved & that my refund is basically on it's way.
Are you making any progress? I didn't like giving you the last 4 digits of my credit card but you left me no other option as this is the ONLY way I can communicate with you.
I received your email & replied to it with the last 4 digits of my credid card PLUS a screeb shoy showing proof pf porchase, date & price. But guess what??? It was returned undeliverable because it didn't have the number.??? As you requested I replied leaving the subject field unchanged. Are you trying to get me so flustered that I will finally give up % not ask for my refund? I am 81 years old but I will stick it out as long as I can.