Cancelling of subscriptions

Hi Niels,

The support available here is in English currently. You can for example use Google Translator ( for translation purpose.
We're sorry to know that you've decided to cancel the AVG subscription.  
As it isn't recommended to share the product details over this post, we've sent you an email regarding it.
Please check & revert to us for further queries.

15. eller 16. januar annullerede jeg alle mine abonnementer på AVG Technologies. Jeg havde lige modtaget en påmindelse om min VPN-fornyelse.
I dag skriver du, som om jeg ikke havde opsagt dette abonnement.
Mine abonnementer er:

(Subscriptions info removed)

Skriv til mig for at bekræfte, at alt dette abonnement er opsagt.

Med venlig hilsen
Niels B. Yde

Hi Niels,

The support available here is in English currently. You can for example use Google Translator ( for translation purpose.
We're sorry to know that you've decided to cancel the AVG subscription.  
As it isn't recommended to share the product details over this post, we've sent you an email regarding it.
Please check & revert to us for further queries.