Cancelling subscription

Hello Mike,
We apologize if an AVG product did not meet your expectations. Our main goal is to keep our customers happy.
As per your request, I have cancelled the auto renewal of AVG Ultimate. The license will not be renewed and no money will be taken from your account for the renewal. You will be informed about the expiration of your license in time to purchase a license renewal before your AVG expires.
I am trying to cancel my subscription & am going round in circles.It says I do not have a subscription yet email states continue in mid February & payment taken out on 1st February.
An update of AVG corrupted several files in my Windows & cost me over $100 to get it fixed losing some important downloads on my PC.I no longer have AVG installed.How to I contact AVG.????

Hello Mike,
We apologize if an AVG product did not meet your expectations. Our main goal is to keep our customers happy.
As per your request, I have cancelled the auto renewal of AVG Ultimate. The license will not be renewed and no money will be taken from your account for the renewal. You will be informed about the expiration of your license in time to purchase a license renewal before your AVG expires.