Cannot access some files and programs

Hi Jan,

I regret for the inconvenience caused.

We have already informed our developers regarding the issue after updating AVG TuneUp to the latest version 20.1.

We will release a fix regarding it as soon as possible.

We request your patience and understanding.


This morning I found that I cannol open any excel and pdf files, nor Office 2007 and Acrobat reader programs,  on my desktop.  Always giving error message that the file name is incorrect. The same files can be opened on my laptop however.

From recent AVG forum posts I believe my problems can be associated with the recent updates of AVG tuneup. I use AVG tuneup on both computers, however I have not yet performed on my laptop the suggested batch of corrections, eg of registry posts.

Do you think AVG tuneup have caused my problems and if so what can I do to remove the problems. Wait for an update?


Dear Sirs and Madames,

I have the same problem. Since yesterday, June 9th, 2020, after an update of the PC tuneUp on 3 computers, all Office programs were destroyed. Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Outlock. No longer work. I would like to ask you to give me a solution immediately.

Greeting Bernd Ruschinski

TuneUp error message Office programs

Hi Jan,

I regret for the inconvenience caused.

We have already informed our developers regarding the issue after updating AVG TuneUp to the latest version 20.1.

We will release a fix regarding it as soon as possible.

We request your patience and understanding.