Cannot delete infections found on my iMac

Hi Gunaseelan / Susanna
The solution Gunaseelan suggetsed above worked ok for me and the 64 threats I had are no longer there after I re-indexed Spotlight as per the link Gunaseelan provided. Once I had opened Spotlight Privacy Tab from System Prefs I dragged my hard drive icon into the window to make it show in the list then highlighted it and clicked on (-) button to remove it. I then re-staretd my Mac and things ran very slow for a couple of days before it got back to normal and when I then ran AVG Antivirus again it found some new Threats (from junk emails) which could then be quarantined and deleted ok.
Hope that helps Susanna.
Thanks Gunaseelan & Sarath for your help!

Hello Mark,
We regret to hear about the inconvenience caused. We suggest you to uninstall and re-install AVG Anti-Virus, start a scan and remove the threats.
Click on the link to uninstall AVG for Mac :
Click on the link to install AVG for Mac :
Please scan the computer and remove the threats. Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance.
Thank you.

OK Susanna, No probs… Please to see that you appear to be now sorted. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting.
AVG Guru

Hi Gunaseelan
I have uninstalled AVG, restarted my iMac then installed again but this has not resolved the problem and I still see the same issue with 64 Threats that cannot be deletedScreen shot of threats

After running a scan I end up with a list of 60+ Threats found that cannot be quarantined or deleted. These all seem to be .Spotlight-V100 related and on AVG support it suggest I should manually delete these from Finder - but I cannot locate them. Can you help please?

Thanks for the suggestion Mark. My problem is solved now. Cheers.

Hi Susanna,
We apologize for the Inconvenience. We really appreciate your efforts, Spotlight-V100 is system folder where indexing data are kept. This is the reason why they can't be deleted. This was reported to developers and they are already working on the fix. The new release will be updated soon. Your patience is much appreciated.
Thank you.

Hi Gunaseelan / Susanna
The solution Gunaseelan suggetsed above worked ok for me and the 64 threats I had are no longer there after I re-indexed Spotlight as per the link Gunaseelan provided. Once I had opened Spotlight Privacy Tab from System Prefs I dragged my hard drive icon into the window to make it show in the list then highlighted it and clicked on (-) button to remove it. I then re-staretd my Mac and things ran very slow for a couple of days before it got back to normal and when I then ran AVG Antivirus again it found some new Threats (from junk emails) which could then be quarantined and deleted ok.
Hope that helps Susanna.
Thanks Gunaseelan & Sarath for your help!

OK Susanna, No probs… Please to see that you appear to be now sorted. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting.
AVG Guru

Hi Gunaseelan,

I have the same issue as Mark. I tried your suggestion to rebuild Spotlight index by following the link given but was at a lost. The instructions made no sense to me. Please help. Thanks.

Hello Mark,
We regret to hear about the inconvenience caused. We really appreciate your efforts, Spotlight-V100 is system folder where indexing data are kept. This is the reason why they can't be deleted. This was reported to developers and they are already working on the fix, it will be fixed as soon as possible. In the meantime, customer can rebuild the Spotlight index by following this guide.
Hope it helps. Thank you.

Hi Gunaseelan,

I have the same issue as Mark. I tried your suggestion to rebuild Spotlight index by following the link given but was at a lost. The instructions made no sense to me. Please help. Thanks.