It is not possible to add the application that was removed from exception list, you can add the application to the exception list again if AVG detects the application as threat or you can add the application to the exception if you know the file path.
There might me no recent detection from AVG that is the reason why the date of the last file in the quarantine list is old.
Vishnu Vardan
I have given an exception by mistake to an application blocked by AVG. I thought the blocked application is a trusted one, but in fact it was not. I opened the list of 'Exceptions' under 'Settings' but nothing there. I also opened the list of'Quarantine' under 'Menu' but it is not in the list, although I do not recall the exact name of it. In addition that the date of last file in the Quarantine list is old.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you
A Sherazy
Hi Abdulrahman,
It is not possible to add the application that was removed from exception list, you can add the application to the exception list again if AVG detects the application as threat or you can add the application to the exception if you know the file path.
There might me no recent detection from AVG that is the reason why the date of the last file in the quarantine list is old.
Vishnu Vardan
Hi Vishnu,
Thank you for your prompt reply. The question is; why the application removed from the exception list? I did not remove it. AVG detected the application and reported it as a threat. In the beginning, I thought the application is trusted, I gave it an exception from the drop-down options list. When I realized it is not trusted and it is really a threat, I went to the Setting>General>Exceptions to remove it but not found.
Why it is not found? and how to make sure that my computer is protected against the threat of such application?
Thank you
A Sherazy