Cannot install avg webtuneup inmozilla

Hello Saumya,
We are sorry to know that you are unable to activate AVG Web TuneUp. Please do not worry, in this case, we suggest you to check if the Mozilla firefox is set as your default web browser. If it your deault web browser, please open Mozilla firefox and click on settings icon. From the list of options select "Addon". You can see the AVG Web TuneUp disabled. Please enable AVG extension to fix this issue.
Thank you

Same problems as others. Can't find, activate AVG WEB TUNE UP in Mozilla. Can't install as whenever I try to install Web Tuneup, it says, it's already installed n my browser.On the other hand AVG ZEN shows a yellowish orange circle around the WEB TUNEUP ICON that denotes my web is unprotected. How to solve this problem?
Hello Saumya,
We are sorry to know that you are unable to activate AVG Web TuneUp. Please do not worry, in this case, we suggest you to check if the Mozilla firefox is set as your default web browser. If it your deault web browser, please open Mozilla firefox and click on settings icon. From the list of options select "Addon". You can see the AVG Web TuneUp disabled. Please enable AVG extension to fix this issue.
Thank you