I have the exact same Propblem asAalbert. Bought the Performance Pro Verison in september, never received a product code. The automatic recognition of my pro subscription did not work at alll, and there is no product key to remedy the issue.
I was also prompted to Download this additional Shell software (AVG ZEN) that I have never asked for to be installed. Not only is this a bad software behaviour, it promoted the exact opposite of what a performance software is supposed to be doing: To slimline my setup. Instead I am getting fed Bloatware that causes problems in the installation process.
ZEN my ass.... :-(.
I was was a TuneUp Utilities user for more than 5 years, but now the thumb is going down quickly.
Hi all, If you buy AVG Performance then there is no product key, you just install Performance package (Yes it contains AVG Zen) and login to AVG Zen with MyAccount. @Alfredshould I transfer your refund request (order from 2014-09-19) for you? Thanks
Hi Alan, I thank for your proposal, I agree that you transfer my refund request (order 37-3577809 from 2014-09-19) I appreciate very much your support on that subject. Regards, Alfred Melle
Software was bought on September 19 2014. Installation was done December 6. The installation program first uninstalled TuneUp Utility 2014. During the installation process I was never asked for the product key. In your support I found how to «register product» and «activate product» the installed product. When I open «Help & Support» I see not «register product» and «activate product». Under «Help & Support» \ «Info» I see the version of AVG PC TuneUp 2015 (15.0.1001.238). But I have no information for which the product is licensed.
What can I do? Is it possible to use AVG PC TuneUp 2015 under these conditions?
In advance thanks for your support, Regards Alfred Melle
I have the exact same Propblem asAalbert. Bought the Performance Pro Verison in september, never received a product code. The automatic recognition of my pro subscription did not work at alll, and there is no product key to remedy the issue.
I was also prompted to Download this additional Shell software (AVG ZEN) that I have never asked for to be installed. Not only is this a bad software behaviour, it promoted the exact opposite of what a performance software is supposed to be doing: To slimline my setup. Instead I am getting fed Bloatware that causes problems in the installation process.
ZEN my ass.... :-(.
I was was a TuneUp Utilities user for more than 5 years, but now the thumb is going down quickly.
Hi Alan, I thank for your proposal, I agree that you transfer my refund request (order 37-3577809 from 2014-09-19) I appreciate very much your support on that subject. Regards, Alfred Melle
Alfred, Have a look @ this new form link (http://support.avg.com/support_contact_form) to get chat/phone support. Otherwise, When available, A member of the official AVG Community Support in Brno, Czech Rep… (Working Hours [Mon-Fri] 9:00am - 5:00pm CET) will see your topic & respond. AVG Guru
Hi all, If you buy AVG Performance then there is no product key, you just install Performance package (Yes it contains AVG Zen) and login to AVG Zen with MyAccount. @Alfredshould I transfer your refund request (order from 2014-09-19) for you? Thanks
The recommendation from the support (use of AVG Remover) could not be used (connection impossible or something similar). So I used the usual Windows software uninstall device. It worked without problem. I downloaded a new AVG TuneUp installation file (not the free one), in case where the old one could have been corrupted.
The product key was requested at the beginning of the installation. Unfortunately the one I received on Sept. 19 2014 was not accepted. As I had passed enough time to solve the original AVG TuneUp 2015 problem and as I did not want to longer spend time on that subject I decided to buy a new product key. This new product key worked without difficulties.
What can I do with the never used old product key ??? Is it possible to get a credit note ???