Cannot Remove Short cut Icons from browser page

Thank you for your extremely fast response Ranjani Bakthavachalam.

I have decided to take half of your advice.  I will uninstall the AVG Secure Browser as you suggest but I will leave it there.  I am using Version 71.0.693.100 but the "71" certainly does not reflect any degree of maturity when a simple delete function will not work.

Thank you for your time.

On the Browser page I have Icons I would like to remove and yet the Browser will not Remove them, even though I click REMOVE

Thank you for your extremely fast response Ranjani Bakthavachalam.

I have decided to take half of your advice.  I will uninstall the AVG Secure Browser as you suggest but I will leave it there.  I am using Version 71.0.693.100 but the "71" certainly does not reflect any degree of maturity when a simple delete function will not work.

Thank you for your time.

J, we request you not to share your email address in public post.
Could you install AVG Secure browser and see if this issue persist?
If yes, we can escalate it to concern team and get this sorted.

I also would like to remove the icons that appear at the bottom of the home page of "AVG Secure Browser is up to date Version 71.0.693.100 (Official Build) (32-bit)"

Please indicate how to remove them.
Browser Icon Problem

Thank you for the info, J Pena. 

If you can't remove the icons by clicking on remove option, please try to uninstall : and reinstall : AVG Secure Browser to check if that helps.

Hi Scott.
We'll certainly look into it. Which browser are you using and which icons are you trying to remove? Please share a screenshot ( of it.

Hi Scott.
We'll certainly look into it. Which browser are you using and which icons are you trying to remove? Please share a screenshot ( of it.