Cannot uninstall, update, fix, use

I attempted to uninstall AVG using the remover tool.
First time through, ticked Internet Security and Web Tools.  Asked to reboot
After rebooting, received an error that AVG could not start.  All programs still were there.

Ran remove tool again, only web tools was there.  Checked it, reboot, STILL THERE, won't uninstall.

Tried to until web tools from add/remove programs, goes through the uninstall procedure, still there.

Tried to remove internet security, 

Tried to uninstall AVG protection, computer crashes and let to recovery screen *(something about DRV S not equal, I don't know)

The other tool I saw (cleaner) wouldnt work either.

How do I unstall all remnants ot AVG and get my computer back?