If you purchased AVG Ultimate Package
Then please make sure that you have completed these steps
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Can't log in to myaccount.tried changing password and everytime the e-mail comes back without a link
Getting into my account works for getting into this support center,and if i want to provide credit information to upgrade or buy a product.But not to login to myaccount in general.I bought avg ultimate from a store and have to be able to access myaccount to install it,Tried changing password but recieve no link in the e-mail to verify, just an avg logo.did this 10 times.Tried creating new account but can't cause my e-mail is already in use.Did this 5 times.So i'm surprised to see that my e-mail and password ( i think it's my password) gets me into this support center.very frustrating,i chatted with a sales support guy and he said he would let the tech guys know i wasn't getting a link in my e-mail to verify my password and that was a week ago.I still have 2mths.on my subscription and i opened the avg ultimate box making it unreturnable so i can't even change internet security companys.
If you purchased AVG Ultimate Package
Then please make sure that you have completed these steps
Enter your unique code, and create your AVG MyAccount
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