Hello Raffid,
I will check this for you.
I see from your record that you do not have any trial program subscribed.
We request you to check your app store if there any trial subscription listed there.
If you do not see any, it confirms that you have not subscribed for any trial version of AVG.
Karthikeyan, im pretty sure that I definitely clicked the free trial button when subscribing and it even said that it would take the money AFTER the trial was over, but ive searched settings, the app settings, the app store, and even in the app store, if i look at my purchases, it only shows me that i bought secure vpn and shows me the app with no option to cancel
I just got a thirty day free trial on ipad and it told me i could cancel it but now, i dont see any option to do so,i would like my trials to be cancelled
I'm glad to hear that you found the location to disable this trial subscription.
Feel free to contact us for further queries regarding AVG.