Can't update, keeps saying Kaspersky is installed

I have the exact same problem!  No trace of Kaspersky on my system.  Please hurry up and fix AVG.

Hello Rick,

We appreciate all your efforts in getting this issue fixed. We request you to follow the instructions and let us know if you are able to install it.

1.  Open terminal and run “kextstat | grep com.kaspersky”. List of records will be displayed.
2.  For every record from previous step us the "sudo kextunload -b [RECORD NAME]" command
3. Once all records from 1st step are removed, try installing the program.

Please follow the instructions and contact us for further help.

Thank you.

I think you fail to see the real problem.  Kaspersky is gone off my machine, but your upgrade process wont work.  I need your software to run an upgrade, which hasn't been a problem for the last 5 months, not until this new update, fix your problem.  There is nothing kaspersky can do, I have checked the activity monitor - no kaspersky process, I have checked files no kaspersky is there.  Your software to run updates isn't running correctly, it shouldn't stop it anyway, it should update otherwise I need to go back to using Kaspersky because you arent protecting my machine if you don't have the capabiltiy of running an update.

I have exactly the same problem with failed AVG updates over the past 2-3 weeks. I originally had Kaspersky installed at the time of this Mac purchase. I removed Kaspersky with their software removal tool after 1 year. Then I downloaded AVG, and it has worked well and updated regularly for 2+years. Now it fails to update because it "finds Kaspersky products on computer". I have spent hours looking through Mac files and can't find any Kaspersky products, and have rerun the Kaspersky removal tool 4 times. Still AVG won't update. The similar complaints in this thread suggest to me some recent AVG changes that have created this failed update problem. Please advise.

Did you have any success with your problem? We have the same issue.

Hi Mark,

We understand your concern, we request you to run the Kaspersky remover : and check once. If issue persists, please attach us the screenshot of the error message to assist you further.

Thank you!

Good afternoon,

After running “kextstat | grep com.kaspersky” and then "sudo kextunload -b [RECORD NAME]" command, I was able to install AVG when I didn't restart my computer after launching "kextunload" command.

I have exactly the same problem with AVG: "Now I can't run updates because it states it is finding Kaspersky.  I have gone through all visible and hidden folders and deleted anything from Kaspersky.  It still won't update, how do I get this to actually update?" I use a macbook and I cannot remember having installed Kaspersky at all. Cannot find anything related tu K. an tried uninstall tools (removing them afterwards). followed all of your directions suggests here and ended up with not being able to reinstall AVG at all. is there a (better) solution by now? Actually not protected at all right now :frowning:

I had Kaspersky before I started using AVG, I uninstalled it and installed AVG 5 months ago.  Now I can't run updates because it states it is finding Kaspersky.  I have gone through all visible and hidden folders and deleted anything from Kaspersky.  It still won't update, how do I get this to actually update?

I followed your directions and it wont install at all.  same error.  don't suppose you build any logs or any information on what it is finding that isn't allowing your product to function?  I now don't have any protection on my laptop.

I believe it was Kaspersky Total security 2016.

The remover link is for windows, I'm using a mac

Good afternoon,

After running “kextstat | grep com.kaspersky” and then "sudo kextunload -b [RECORD NAME]" command, I was able to install AVG when I didn't restart my computer after launching "kextunload" command.

I have the exact same problem!  No trace of Kaspersky on my system.  Please hurry up and fix AVG.

I have exactly the same problem with failed AVG updates over the past 2-3 weeks. I originally had Kaspersky installed at the time of this Mac purchase. I removed Kaspersky with their software removal tool after 1 year. Then I downloaded AVG, and it has worked well and updated regularly for 2+years. Now it fails to update because it "finds Kaspersky products on computer". I have spent hours looking through Mac files and can't find any Kaspersky products, and have rerun the Kaspersky removal tool 4 times. Still AVG won't update. The similar complaints in this thread suggest to me some recent AVG changes that have created this failed update problem. Please advise.

Hello Mark,

Could you please let us know if you have tried running removing the KasperSky program from the PC by checking the link: ?

Thank you.

Mark, If applicable… For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 
AVG Guru

Did you have any success with your problem? We have the same issue.

Hi Mark,

We understand your concern, we request you to run the Kaspersky remover : and check once. If issue persists, please attach us the screenshot of the error message to assist you further.

Thank you!

Hello Rick,

We appreciate all your efforts in getting this issue fixed. We request you to follow the instructions and let us know if you are able to install it.

1.  Open terminal and run “kextstat | grep com.kaspersky”. List of records will be displayed.
2.  For every record from previous step us the "sudo kextunload -b [RECORD NAME]" command
3. Once all records from 1st step are removed, try installing the program.

Please follow the instructions and contact us for further help.

Thank you.