Cerere de rambursare

Hello Mihaela,

AVG Support via Community forum is available only in English. For example, you can use Google Translate (https://translate.google.com) for translation.

We will help you with the refund.
As it isn't advisable to post sensitive details here, we have sent an email with further details. Please check your inbox/spam for the email.

Bună ziua! Poate să fie nevoie de cineva pentru rambursarea în abonament AVG? În prezent, o reînnoit automat ieri, 26/04/20. 


Hello Mihaela,

AVG Support via Community forum is available only in English. For example, you can use Google Translate (https://translate.google.com) for translation.

We will help you with the refund.
As it isn't advisable to post sensitive details here, we have sent an email with further details. Please check your inbox/spam for the email.