Roger, your profile email address is the same for billing too.
Hence, you can contact our sales team using this link who can assist further on this matter.
Thank you.
Hello Roger,
It is possible to change the email address from your AVG MyAccount profile settings.
At the top right corner of your AVG MyAccount page, you can find the profile name.
Click on it and select "My Profile".
Under "Email", click on "change" and proceed to update the new email address.
Feel free to contact us if you need further help.
How can I change the e-mail for my billing account? I can’t seem to do this from my login account profile.
Hello Roger,
It is possible to change the email address from your AVG MyAccount profile settings.
At the top right corner of your AVG MyAccount page, you can find the profile name.
Click on it and select "My Profile".
Under "Email", click on "change" and proceed to update the new email address.
Feel free to contact us if you need further help.