Child account windows 8.1

Hello Michael.
You can find answer to your question together with your another post here .
Please try keep whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up resolution. Thank you.

I bought the  latest  verison  of AVG   the other week . On the  child  account  that I have set up  for  windows 8.1  it  now causes  it   to crash , blue  screen , error messge , Knowleged  kerrnal ...
I had to remove  the account ,  and   set it  up again . It works   with no problems  under a standard  user but   crashes when  it is  set to  child  account .
Looking  for  some  help on this , to  get a simple  fix

Michael, Please refrain from carrying out multiple postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!
AVG Guru

Hello Michael.
You can find answer to your question together with your another post here .
Please try keep whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up resolution. Thank you.