Cobrança indevida

Hi Edmir,

AVG Support via community forum is available only in English. For a translation, for example you can use

We acknowledge your refund request.
This order was placed because of the autorenewal that you agreed to during the initial purchase.
I have initiated the refund for this order.
The refund will be returned to the payment method used to make your purchase within 5 business days.

Cobrança indevida pelo DRI * AVG Technologies

Olá equipe do AVG,

Acabei de receber uma notificação da empresa do meu cartão de crédito Mastercard com vencimento em 05/11/2020, do que em meu cartão foi publicado o valor de R $ 149,99 pela DRI * AVG Technologies em 06 / 20/1020 por renovação sem minha autorização   Vocês podem providenciar o reembolso?

Eu espero que a equipe do AVG providencie o devido reembolso do valor devido indevidamente e tome medidas para impedir que transações como essa voltem a acontecer no futuro.

Hi Edmir,

AVG Support via community forum is available only in English. For a translation, for example you can use

We acknowledge your refund request.
This order was placed because of the autorenewal that you agreed to during the initial purchase.
I have initiated the refund for this order.
The refund will be returned to the payment method used to make your purchase within 5 business days.