Code: oxe001006b

Hello Jürgen,
Sorry for not replying in your native language. It is to keep you informed that we support only in English. Could you please elaborate your issue in English so that we could assist you better in resolving your issue?
Thank you.

Hello Jürgen,
Sorry for not replying in your native language. It is to keep you informed that we support only in English. Could you please elaborate your issue in English so that we could assist you better in resolving your issue?
Thank you.

Tune up lässt sich nicht installieren, am Ende der installation erscheint Fehlercode Oxe001006b
was soll ich als einfacher Anwender tun.

Jürgen, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
Tuneup can not be installed, will appear at the end of the installation error code Oxe001006b
what should I do as a simple user.
AVG Guru