Hi! Joyson, Yes it is uptodate and I'm getting "You are Protected" in green too.
Hi Trq, I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Is your AVG is up to date and are you getting "You are protected" in the AVG Interface?
Hello Trq. Please be informed that the command line should be the same as for IDM however variables may differ, and all downloaded files will be scanned automatically and there is no need for setting this "duplicate" scan. Thank you.
Hello Trq. Thank you for replying us back. I kindly request you to provide us with the screenshot of the cmd prompt. Please have a look at this article http://avgread.me/1aZxsAV to attach the screenshot. Thank you.
Recently I've changed my AV to AVG 2015. Now the problem I'm facing is that I can't get it to start virus scan after a download finishes in Bitcomet, Atleast according to AVG's option > history > scan results it dose'nt.
I have learnt from this web page ---http://www.avg.com/w...m-3604#num-3604
that the .exe required for this are either avgscana.exe or avgscanx.exe. For your information I also use Internet download manager, there my selections are
For path C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG\AVG2015\avgscanx.exe and for parameter- /scan=[File] /clean
And when checked in AVG option > history > scan results it shows that a command line scan has been performed with the findings in detail.
But in bitcomet I've tried with both of the above exe files and only thing that I've been getting is a command window that opens and closes as soon as a download complets, but when I check in AVG option > history > scan results it does'nt show that a scan was performed.
I would like to know the appropriate .exe file to chose and also the command line parameter to use in Bitcomet's settings.
What should I do now? Please help.
Thanks for taking the time it will be greatly appretiated. T.C
Hi! Joyson, Yes it is uptodate and I'm getting "You are Protected" in green too.
I don't know why I'm required to send a screenshot …as it appears for a fraction of a second. I don't know is any of you guys have taken the time to read my initial post. If you had then I wouldn't have to spend so much time here.
All I needed was the scan parameter suitable for Bitcomet. I have the Command line scan parameter for IDM's Internet download manager which is for the EXE file I need to chose the path C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG\AVG2015\avgscanx.exe and the comandline parameter is /scan=[File] /clean .
If the EXE file is same for Bitcomet then all I requir is the commandline parameter fotr the scan to occure.
It isn't that hard people that wrote this page should know it http://www.avg.com/w...m-3604#num-3604
I had given this link in my initial post also.
The time it's taking to solve this simple issue makes me want to go back to NORTON as my hackle free security provider.
I hope this time someone will read the initial post as well as view the link before asking me to do this or that.
Hello Trq. Thank you for replying us back. I kindly request you to provide us with the screenshot of the cmd prompt. Please have a look at this article http://avgread.me/1aZxsAV to attach the screenshot. Thank you.
Hi Trq, sorry to know that. May I know the name of the AVG program with which you are facing this issue? Have you tried to repair or reinstall AVG to fix this issue? Thank you.
Hello Trq. Please be informed that the command line should be the same as for IDM however variables may differ, and all downloaded files will be scanned automatically and there is no need for setting this "duplicate" scan. Thank you.