Comprei o produto e nao recebi codigo para acessar o progama avg

Hello William,
We apologize for not replying in your native language. We do provide Community support for AVG in English language. Could you please be more specific regarding the issue that you are facing with AVG so that we can help you better? Feel free to contact us if you have any queries with AVG products. Thank you.

William, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
[Portuguese to English]
I bought the product and I did not receive a code to access the avg program
And now it's going to be cut off from my invoice and I do not even like the program
AVG Guru

e agora vai ser decotado da minha fatura e nao to nem uzado o progama

William, This Community is basically English language.. Query translation....
[Portuguese to English]
I bought the product and I did not receive a code to access the avg program
And now it's going to be cut off from my invoice and I do not even like the program
AVG Guru