Sorry - not an answer, but my name is incorrect on my question. It should be Clive Roberts.
Still hoping for answers about the bad results of a full AVG scan.
I initiated a full scan overnight, allowing AVG to switch off the conmputer when complete.
This morning, very few programs will function, all very slowly, some not at all. Even the main AVG program will boot up reluctantly, only after many minutes. I wish I had not done this scan.
What on earth can I do to restore functionality? My computer has been crippled by AVG!
Windows 7. For some reason my computer will not 'restore' with Windows.
This morning, very few programs will function, all very slowly, some not at all. Even the main AVG program will boot up reluctantly, only after many minutes. I wish I had not done this scan.
What on earth can I do to restore functionality? My computer has been crippled by AVG!
Windows 7. For some reason my computer will not 'restore' with Windows.
Sorry - not an answer, but my name is incorrect on my question. It should be Clive Roberts.
Still hoping for answers about the bad results of a full AVG scan.
Still hoping for answers about the bad results of a full AVG scan.
Hi Gulam,
Thanks for the reply.
I have Internet Security, and initiated the full scan, with bells and whistles. (Rootkit etc.). However, I don't know what a rootkit is!
Strangely, some parts/programs on my computer have speeded up a bit, but others, notably the AVG main interface, still goes 'cloudy white' and I am informed 'not responding'.
By the way, you emailed me - is your address really 'no reply'?
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
We understand how frustrating it is to have to go through this.
We would request you to run AVG remover tool to completely remove AVG and then re install it.
Please click this link to download and run the AVG Remover tool.
1. Please select the AVG products which are shown in the remover tool window and then start removal process.
2. After the remover tool process is successfully finished, restart your computer.
3. After the restart, manually delete the AVG Remover folder in the C drive of My computer.
To reinstall please follow the article .
Please feel free to get back to us for further assistance.
Thank you.
I now have your advice to repair AVG. When I attempt this, I get a message:
' Installation or update already in progress.Error Code 0xe001f921'
This is obviously the problem. How do I get out of it, as AVG will not repair, not uninstall.
' Installation or update already in progress.Error Code 0xe001f921'
This is obviously the problem. How do I get out of it, as AVG will not repair, not uninstall.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
we understand that your AVG program is not responding correctly.
We request you to please repair your AVG Internet Security using the article to resolve your issue.
Please feel free to get back to us for further assistance.
Thank you.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
we understand that your AVG program is not responding correctly.
We request you to please repair your AVG Internet Security using the article to resolve your issue.
Please feel free to get back to us for further assistance.
Thank you.
We crossed. Please see the error code I get when trying to repair. I am in Catch 22.
We crossed. Please see the error code I get when trying to repair. I am in Catch 22.
As the AVG email is 'do not reply', I am finding it very difficult to find our conversation. I am wasting the best part of the day on a computer which has been crippled by AVG. I am now trying to contact you and AVG on a different pc.
I now wish I had not bought two years' protection, as my patience is wearing thin.
As the AVG email is 'do not reply', I am finding it very difficult to find our conversation. I am wasting the best part of the day on a computer which has been crippled by AVG. I am now trying to contact you and AVG on a different pc.
I now wish I had not bought two years' protection, as my patience is wearing thin.
Hello Clive,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
May I know the name of the AVG program you used to scan your system?
May I know the name of the AVG programs installed on your system?
Thank you.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
May I know the name of the AVG program you used to scan your system?
May I know the name of the AVG programs installed on your system?
Thank you.