Hello John,
We are sorry that you are unable to schedule the scan after updating AVG. We have pulled your account and it seems that you have purchased AVG Internet Security (1 computer) good till 1/4/2018. As per your post, it seems that you have installed AVG Internet Security unlimited instead of AVG Internet Security. So please run AVG Clear tool to uninstall AVG Internet Security unlimited and then reinstall AVG Internet Security.
Here are the instructions:
1. Use the link https://share.avg.com/steam/PSP/AVG2017/AVG_Clear.exe to run the AVG Clear tool.
2. Open the AVG Clear tool, click Yes in the User Account control dialog.
3. Click No in the Windows safe mode dialog.
4. Select the installed version of AVG and also check the box 'Uninstall AVG Zen'. Then click Uninstall, and Restart computer.
Use the link to install AVG Internet Security: http://avgread.me/1DXPL5z .
Please feel free to get back to us for any assistance with AVG.
Thank you.
Since my AVG virus protection has been updated I cannot access my scan schedule. The instructions in Custom Scan Settings say "Scan Options,(gear symbol) then Scan Options>Schedule Scan". No such wording exists, how do I access my scan schedule. The virus vault is empty, is this intentional? Add to this the annoyance of the pop ups exhorting me to upgrade, I think that when my subscription
expires I will be seeking out one of the many other companies who supply AV stuff.
Hello John,
We are sorry that you are unable to schedule the scan after updating AVG. We have pulled your account and it seems that you have purchased AVG Internet Security (1 computer) good till 1/4/2018. As per your post, it seems that you have installed AVG Internet Security unlimited instead of AVG Internet Security. So please run AVG Clear tool to uninstall AVG Internet Security unlimited and then reinstall AVG Internet Security.
Here are the instructions:
1. Use the link https://share.avg.com/steam/PSP/AVG2017/AVG_Clear.exe to run the AVG Clear tool.
2. Open the AVG Clear tool, click Yes in the User Account control dialog.
3. Click No in the Windows safe mode dialog.
4. Select the installed version of AVG and also check the box 'Uninstall AVG Zen'. Then click Uninstall, and Restart computer.
Use the link to install AVG Internet Security: http://avgread.me/1DXPL5z .
Please feel free to get back to us for any assistance with AVG.
Thank you.